Setting SMTP pada Gmail – Email Client Thunderbird

Sering kali kita memerlukan email klien untuk melakukan pengaturan/backup email – email yang kita kirim pada komputer lokal. Salah satu software email client lokal yang cukup populer adalah Thunderbird ( .

Untuk melakukan pengaturan pada email client Thunderbird dapat diikuti langkah – langkah sebagai berikut :

Standard configuration instructions:

Incoming Mail (POP3) Server – requires SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server – requires TLS3 or SSL: authentication)
Use Authentication: Yes
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Port for SSL: 465
Account Name: your full email address (including or
Email Address: your email address (username or username)
Password: your Gmail password

Unless you’re using recent mode to download mail to multiple clients, make sure you’ve opted not to leave messages on the server. Your POP settings in Gmail settings are what determines whether or not messages stay on the server, so this setting in your client won’t affect how Gmail handles your mail.

If your client does not support SMTP4 authentication, you won’t be able to send mail through your client using your Gmail address.

If you’re having trouble sending mail but you’ve confirmed that encryption is active for SMTP in your mail client, try to configure your SMTP server on a different port (465 or 587).

  1. Enable POP in Gmail. Don’t forget to click Save Changeswhenyou’re done.
  2. Configure your client to match the settings below:
  1. POP: POP (Post office protocol) is a one-way download of your messages that allows you to access your mail with a mail program like Outlook Express or Apple Mail. POP only offers one-way communication, which means that actions you take in the mail program (like marking a message as read) won’t be synced to Gmail.
  2. domain: A domain is a name for an IP address and is more commonly recognized as a website or web address. For example, is a domain.
  3. TLS: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a way of changing data such as your username and password into code as it travels across the Internet, so that the data will be secure and private. With mail delivery, TLS begins with an unsecured connection to the mail servers, and then upgrades to a secure connection once information is sent.
  4. SMTP: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a set of standard Internet procedures by which two email providers (ex. Gmail, Yahoo Mail), transfer email messages to one another’s mail servers.

updated 08/31/2012

sources :

About inasandya

just learner ....

Posted on September 20, 2012, in Catatan TIK and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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